Tuesday, July 8, 2008


These are the slides used during a session at Braz-tesol conference in Fortaleza in July 2008. We have included audio so that you can follow the information given during the session.


Anonymous said...

English to be used now...not for the future. So true. It is a real interesting and important way to address it. And yes, finding their own way of expressing their voice...haven't we also experienced it. It takes time to develop a vioce, but once we do no one can shut us up! :-) We have been empowered - BlogPower!

Great thoughts and practices. Thanks for sharing/blogging them Ana!

Nina Lyulkun said...

Not speaking about the content of the presentation (It is more than informative with great thoughts and ideas about blogging, its goals and practices) I should say that it is SUPER! done with rich materials added, with a pretty voice to listen to.

Thanks again, dear anamaria and your lovely co-presenters.

Lots of love,

Doris Molero said...

Congratulations! Ana maria! Great presentation... very well accomplished... I am using your idea of pageflakes.... Right now, we are just adding links to our class blog but pageflakes... sounds better... thanks for sharing. A hug from Maracaibo.

Keep on shining

Danúbia Bull said...

Dear ana,

What a terrific work! I am sure people enjoyed listening to you and learning as well. I am sorry for not participating. I can see that I am probably living a hundred years before you guys!!!!
You had great thoughts about wht it is to blog and learn online. There's more than just click and post but learn and grow! Well done! I am so glad I get to see you f2f everyday! hahahaha


Ana Maria Menezes said...

Dear Danubia,

It´s a pity you couldn´t join me in the presentation, maybe next time. It´s great to work with you too.


Ana Maria Menezes said...

Dear Doris, Cristina and Nina,

Thanks for the great support you´ve always given me.


Isabel neves said...

Dear Ana
congratulations for your presentation and I hope to improve our joint project in the near future.
warm regards
isabel neves

Anonymous said...

Dear Ana,

Thank you very much for sharing with us your amazing projects. Be sure you helped us a lot to star t a new semester with lots of great ideas.
Camila Luz

Ana Maria Menezes said...

Thanks Camila for the kind comment.
Keep in touch and let us know about projects you develop in the future.


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